
Romeo and Juliet Excerpt 4 -- in the Capulet's Garden = ロミオとジュリエット抜粋4〜キャピュレット家の内庭

[Intended to be presented by junior high or high-school level students of English as a foreign language. Continuing from here. Sans annotation here.]  

Narrator: Romeo listens as Benvolio and Mercutio leave.
〔listen => (念入れて)聞く、盗聴する〕
〔A as B => A と同時に B〕

Romeo: I don't think Mercutio has ever been in love.
〔A has ever been B => A は B になったことはいつまでもある〕

Narrator: When Romeo looks around, he sees Juliet come out on her balcony.
〔look around => 見回す、周りを確認する〕
〔see ~ => ~が見える〕
〔come out => 外に出てくる〕
〔balcony => バルコニー、(2階の)ベランダ〕

Romeo: Am I facing east? Does the sun rise in the sky?
  Juliet shines much brighter than the moon.
〔sun, moon => 太陽、月〕
〔face => 向かう〕
〔rise => 昇る〕
〔shine => 輝く〕
〔brighter than ~ => ~よりも眩しい〕

Juliet: Oh, what shall I do?

Romeo: How wonderful it is to hear her voice!
〔wonderful => 素晴らしい〕
〔hear => 耳にする、聞く〕
〔voice => 声〕

Juliet: Oh, Romeo, why do you have to be Romeo?
  Say you're not a Montague!
  Or I'll say I'm not a Capulet.
〔have to be ~ => ~でなくてならない〕
〔Say ~! => ~と言え!〕
〔or => さもなければ、でないと〕

Romeo: Should I just listen, or should I answer?
〔Should I ~? => ~してもいい?〕
〔just => ただ〕
〔answer => 答える、返事する〕

Juliet: If you called a rose by any other name,
  it would still smell just as sweet.
  Oh, Romeo, change your name and I'll be all yours.
〔if A, B => もし A ならば B〕
〔call => 呼ぶ、名づける〕
〔call A by name B => B という名前で A を言う〕
〔any other => なんでも他の〕
〔smell => 匂いがする、香る〕
〔still => (それにしても)まだ〕
〔just as => ちょど同じほど〕
〔sweet => 甘い(味でも香でも感情でも)〕
〔change ~ => ~を変える〕
〔A and B => A にすると B〕
〔be all ~ => 全て~になる〕
〔yours => あなたの(もの)〕

Romeo: If you call me your love,
  I'll change my name and never be called Romeo again!
〔call A B => A を B と呼ぶ、A を B とする〕
〔love => 愛の充て、愛の相棒〕
〔never be ~ => 一切~にならない〕
〔again => またもう一度〕

Juliet: What?
  Who are you, hiding in the dark and listening to me?
〔hide => 隠れる〕
〔dark => 暗い(ところ)〕
〔A and B => A して B〕

Romeo: I cannot say my name because you hate it.
〔cannot (→can't) => できない〕
〔A because B => B がゆえに A、 B ですから A〕
〔hate => 嫌う、嫌がる〕

Juliet: I recognize your voice. Aren't you Romeo Montague?
〔recognize => (見たり聞いたりして)わかる〕
〔Aren't you ~? => あなたは~ではないですか?〕

Romeo: If you don't like that name, it isn't mine any more.
〔it isn't mine. => 私のものではない。〕

〔any more => これ以上、これからずっと〕

Juliet: How did you get in here, and why?
  It's dangerous for you here.
〔get in => 入る〕
〔how and why? => どうやって、なぜ?〕
〔dangerous => 危ない、危険な〕
〔for ~ => ~に〕

Romeo: If I see in your eyes that you love me,
  nothing is too dangerous.
〔see that ~ => ~がわかったら〕
〔nothing is too ~ => ~過ぎることがない〕

Juliet: You've heard too much.
〔~ too much => ~過ぎる〕

Romeo: How can I prove my love?
〔prove => 照明する、見せる〕

Juliet: Not tonight. We can meet again.
  Good night.
〔tonight => 今夜、今晩〕

Romeo: I can't leave unless you tell me you love me.
〔unless ~ => ~なしに〕
〔tell A B => A に B を言う〕

Juliet: It has already been said.
  But tell me you mean what you say.
  Do you intend to ask me to marry you?
〔say, said, said => 話されてしまった状態〕
〔tell => 教える、告げる、言う〕
〔tell me ~ => ~を教えて、~だたと言ってて〕
〔mean => 意図する、本気で言う〕
〔what you say => あなたが言うことば〕
〔intend to ~ => ~(する)つもり〕
〔ask me ~ => 私に~を頼む〕
〔marry ~ => ~と結婚する〕

Romeo: Yes, I do.

Nurse: Juliet?

Juliet: Wait there. Yes, Nurse?
〔wait there => あそこに待ってて〕

Romeo: I am afraid I am dreaming.
〔afraid (that) ~ => 恐らく~〕
〔dreaming => 夢見ている状態〕

Juliet: I'm back. How shall we meet tomorrow?
〔back => 戻った状態〕
〔How shall we ~? => ~(する)にはどうしましょう?〕

Romeo: Send a messenger to me in the morning.
〔send => 送る、使わす〕
〔messenger => 使者〕
〔in the morning => (明日の)朝に〕

Juliet: I'll send you my nurse.
〔nurse => (看護婦→)養育係、保母、など〕

Nurse: Juliet?

Juliet: I'm coming.
  Good night.

Romeo: Until tomorrow, good night.
〔until ~ => ~まで〕

[Continues here.]

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